Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Prenatal Belly Painting

I love birth, babies, bellies. The whole process is amazing. I have been blessed to have three healthy pregnancies and positive natural birth experiences. Combining my love of art and birth has come to offering prenatal belly painting.

 I've only done a few so far, but I feel so alive and energized after sharing the experience with the mom to be. I could do it every day!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Swirly Paper Spirals!

Thanks to a pinterest inspiration I made some paper swirls. They haven't turned into a finished piece yet because I'm still working on them!

The instructions are simple - find some colorful no longer needed paper, magazines, catalogs, whole foods fliers. Cut, or in my case tear into two inch strips. Fold, fold, fold, press with a small knife if needed to get them flat. Roll and glue (I used hot glue) as you go!

It is a slow process and I thought I'd have a finished product by now. Instead I'm collecting my swirls until I have enough to make a large collage or a series of 3 small ones.

My daughter has a birthday coming up next week and I may try to use some of the wrapping paper in spirals.