Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Nesting Bags, or all purpose kid storage

With young kids at home I often have problem finding storage for all of the little pieces, precious treasures and tiny characters/animals/rubber ducks. Or in reality, my darlings aren't quick to clean up the little worlds they create in every corner of my house. I had some duck cloth left over from two other projects and plenty of fun fabrics that when I bought them had a project that I have since forgotten about...

Soule Mama posted a link about fabric buckets and I did a few google searches for fabric buckets/boxes/baskets. I decided against round b/c I'm not the best circle sewer. I wanted to be able to make them in three sizes with out spending my afternoon doing math.

After a few searches I figured out my approach (similar to here) and made three patterns out of a paper bag. I started with the largest base and made the sides as high as I thought would hold plenty of "stuff" - then made the next pattern an inch or so smaller, and the final pattern even smaller.

I cut out from the canvas and fabric. Made some rectangles for the straps out of the canvas. I skipped the batting b/c I didn't have it on hand and the fabric seemed sturdy enough. Sewed up the sides, made the handles (ironed them and did a top stitch to close), basted the handles on one the canvas lining, put the bags together (right sides together), sewed, flipped and top stitched. Voila!

As an after thought, b/c I had some extra squares of fabric from the cutting process, I added a pocket on the inside for the medium and large baskets.

 The kids love them and use them for all sorts of things, usually not storage.

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