Thursday, March 15, 2012

Boobie Beanie!

I've seen the idea of a boobie beanie on the web lately. Moms put a hat on their baby while they are feeding them and it looks like they are flashing their breast in public. A perfect combination of humor, inappropriate behavior, and practicality if you ask me.
This spring
seems to be a world of babies in a my life and I have the itch to knit. Knitting comes in cycles for me and when I am in the mood I love it. Then the needles get put away and I don't think about them again until after Halloween. This year the knitting bug seems to be lasting a bit longer, hopefully long enough to get some baby gifts finished.
To find my pattern, I did a ravelry search and found a boobie project that was a little pillow, rather than a baby hat. The upside was that it started at the top and worked down, which I wanted to try. To count, and follow a pattern is fabulous but I often lose my place. This approach allowed me to concentrate on the nipple/areola part, adding stitches, etc quickly and then just knit and knit until I got to the bottom edge of the hat.

I took guess on the size, and with my size 8 needles, worsted weight yarn it is a 3-6mo size.

The best part of the project was shopping for the yarn: Me with a 3yr old and 1yr old in tow walk into a delightful local yarn shop. "How can we help you?" I reply with the standard, "just looking, thanks!" Well, the helpful women really wanted to help - they brought the kids toys, asked about what baby I was shopping for and wanted to know what color/weight I was looking for in my yarn. I gave in. I told them I wanted to knit a hat that looked like a woman's breast so when my friend was nursing it would look like she was exposing herself. First they looked at me like I had three heads, then nodded and went to work finding the perfect yarn. They laughed as they held up different balls of yarn - "does this look like a nipple? is this too peachy to be skin? how dark do you want it?"

It was fabulous and I'm sure they shared the story with their friends too.

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