Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The beginning and an introduction

Updated - March 2012. I originally wrote this back in August of 2010 and it took me all this time to get my act together! A bit about me: 

I've been a dabbler and a starter all of my life. Jane of all trades master of none so to speak. My resume can be quite comical if I really lined everything up. Last week when I got a phone call (wrong number) looking for me to calibrate their plasma tv I learned that I didn't really know everything.

Over the past 10 years, I've done craft sales, holiday shops, gifts for friends, some etsy sales, commissions but nothing has taken off in a sustainable way. I would say mostly due to my lack of focus and my love of so many different materials I bounce around. I like the idea and the creative process. The production and detail not so much.

Fast forward a few years and I'm in need of a creative outlet and something to keep me organized and accountable. I have three daughters, one dog, two chickens and a whole lot of chaos.

So to begin my online journal I'm hoping to put out one or two posts a week focusing on my latest creative endeavors and to help shape some of my big ideas, maybe even get some of those projects finished. I reserve the right to dig something out of the studio, dust it off, take a pic and revisit the idea...like the hand sewn snowflake cards, or the piggy banks, or the turtle shot glasses.

Welcome to Isabelle Jane - the window into my creative energy and the mess that comes with it.

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