Monday, April 2, 2012

Yoga Strap

My 5 year old started a yoga class with her very own mat and not with me. I'm jealous, which prompted me to finally buy me, um, her a yoga mat. I've needed one for a long time, but I usually borrow from a generous friend or pay $1 at the studio.

Given the new mat, a new carrying strap was in order. After a few searches I found this and decided given my time (and helpers) I could skip velcro, buttons, clasps and just make two button holes.

Instead of using interfacing, I cut the fabric extra wide and ironed it to the desired shape rather than having to turn it right side out. 6" wide, and either two 36" (stitch together) or one 70" super long piece. Fold in half, iron as you go. Then turn each edge into the middle line and iron again. Fold again and iron again! You end up with four layers of your fabric for the strap. Sew all the way around, two button holes and voila!

The most challenging piece is getting your head around how to thread it through to make it fit your mat... I am working on a tutorial for that because it is a bit tricky. So far I've made a strap for all the children in her class and maybe I'll manage to get a few up on etsy.

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