Monday, August 27, 2012

My first pattern!

I did it. I wrote my pattern for the boobie beanie hat! 

After my post a few months ago, I've made 10 or so more hats and have tweaked and perfected my original hat concept. I have sold a few hats through my etsy shop, but can't knit fast enough to make it worth my time. And being the idea person I am, I want to make new stuff! (sewing, lots of sewing is coming my way - I can feel it)

It was a great exercise to write out my pattern that has been in my head and to test it out a few times. I polished up the layout, added a few cute pictures and voila! I have a pdf pattern available for sale.

Since this blog is very low traffic, and I haven't done much to publicize it - I will give away a copy of my pattern to my um, loyal readers. Comment, send the link around to your friends and I will close the comments on Saturday morning - random drawing and maybe you'll get lucky!

The give away is over - lucky Sarah, my only commenter got a copy!


  1. Ooh, I didn't know you blogged!! What don't you do?! ;) Would live to make C a hat too...will share the link around! :)))

    1. Thanks Sarah - I'd love your feedback on the pattern since you're a more experienced knitter than I am!
