Monday, September 3, 2012

Skirts from a dust ruffle

It sounds a bit odd, but it was the perfect way to use a unused dust ruffle.  I was given a duvet cover and sheet set and with it came a dust ruffle. The girls sleep in bunk beds and I didn't know what to use it for. After channeling my inner Maria from the "Sound of Music" I decided to make some clothes.
Dust ruffle before I cut it!

The edge is already hemmed and the fabric gathered. I needed a side seam and a waist band! Some quick measuring and a fast satisfying project finished.

For my older daughter, who is taller I had to do a slightly different waist band to add more length.

I'm working on a skirt for myself with a zipper and possibly an apron as a gift. I'm going to keep my eye out for dust ruffles from now on.


  1. Oh my gosh, that is totally awesome! If I find some dust ruffles would you make them into skirts for my girls?! :)

    1. Absolutely! Much faster than the dolls that I have yet to start... :)

    2. All in good time, my friend! :)
