Friday, September 28, 2012

Pigs and Teaching

Once upon a time I taught at a magical place and learned from so many creative people. Like many things I fell into the opportunity and it was exactly what I needed. One day I was encouraged to make clay piggy banks by putting two pinch pots together ...

The kids and I spent weeks making every possible animal and I even sold the banks at craft fairs for a few years. I had a website, a coloring book and they were fun.  Unfortunately some of the cool animals: moose, elephants, cats all had easily breakable features which resulted in a lot of unusable art (and ultimately sad customers) but the bright side is I created some wide-eyed monsters. The first variations were underglazed, then glazed, then acrylic painted, collaged, and most recently watercolors (the photos are all of the watercolor version).

Yesterday my daughter came home from school and told me I was going to teach art again to her and her friends. They all wanted to be artists and wanted to hire me. It was very sweet and passionate. So, I'm in the process of scheduling some workshops for any age kid to come (at a yet to be determined location) and create. Nothing like some motivation from your kids to reinvigorate my act.

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